Avoiding Charging System Problems
A properly functioning charging system is critical for a vehicle’s operation.Often taken for granted and rarely inspected, the charging system in today’s modern performance vehicle is responsible for keeping the battery fully charged and supplying the proper amount of voltage to the electrical system. This sounds relatively simple, yet whether it’s a daily driver, pickup truck, or pure-bred race car, charging system problems are often unpredictable and when they occur, can quickly cause a myriad
Jul 13th 2020
Solving Ignition Problems: The Path of Least Resistance
Ignition problems can be a major source of performance issues, but are often one of the easiest challenges to solve with proper testing and components. Ignition problems including misfire and crossfire have made more than a few performance enthusiasts literally pull their hair out over the years. Although most modern cars employ coil-on-plug ignitions, the majority of high-performance autos found at the local car show or race track still utilize a distributor-type ignition, often enhanced with a
Mar 15th 2020
Spring Maintenance Checklist to Keep Your Race or Performance Car Running Great
If you drove your race or performance car into the garage last fall and haven’t touched it since, it’s probably time to start getting it ready for spring. It’s certainly a good time to perform preventative maintenance and do a thorough mechanical inspection, particularly if there were any issues that existed prior to storage, such as a loss of power, unexplained noises or fluid leaks.Proper maintenance allows you to diagnose and repair mechanical problems promptly, typically with less impact on
Mar 10th 2020
Oil Viscosity - Does your Weight make the Grade?
From Driven Racing OilViscosity is the most important property of a lubricant. Understanding viscosity promotes the ability to reduce wear, improve fuel economy and make more horsepower.For starters, in oil nomenclature, “W” does not stand for “Weight”. It stands for “Winter” and that is the key to understanding viscosity grades. A 10W-30 is a multi-grade (two viscosities) motor oil, and as the name implies, it meets more than one grade. Forty years ago there were winter grades for cold weather
Aug 22nd 2018
Oil Filter Inspection
Preventative maintenance is typically a program that applies to the daily driver, however, it should also apply to the race car. Checking valve lash, changing engine oil, inspecting brakes and suspension components, cleaning fuel filters, servicing differentials, etc. should all be part of a preventative maintenance program. Periodic oil filter inspections should be on the list as well.Typically performed during an oil change or anytime engine condition or performance is in question, oil filter
Jun 25th 2018